Friday, March 19, 2010

Here's what we flew in to yesterday

"The Public Health Ministry has assessed that the smog situation in northern Thailand will likely continue in the coming weeks. Regional health officials have advised people to remain indoors, keep hydrated and wear facemasks, eyeglasses and long-sleeved shirts to prevent skin irritation."  GREAT!!   all I want to do when it's 96 degrees and humid is wear a facemask and long-sleeve shirt.


"Bangkok is on high alert since March 12 when tens of thousands of UDD supporters converged in the national capital for a mass rally on March 14. The government invoked the Internal Security Act in Bangkok and seven neighboring provinces through March 23, allowing the military to ban public gatherings, impose curfews and restore public order if police cannot handle the situation. The UDD on March 18 announced plans to continue protesting in Bangkok indefinitely. UDD leaders stated that the group will continue to rally at the Phan Fa bridge and that protesters will follow Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to his appearances. Abhisit has continued to express willingness to hold talks with UDD leaders, but has refused to concede to the protesters' main demands and resign."

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