Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mountains... part deux (Ulleri to Gorepani, 4hrs)

On this day we trekked from Ulleri to Gorepani, a short 4hr day that wasn't too difficult.  It was nice to have time to wander around the village and see what life is like there.

Gorepani is a pretty big village as far as mountain villages go, they even have a satellite for internet connection, but the electricity goes out expectedly but unexpectedly, about 5-6 times a day.
We stayed at the Super View lodge.  As opposed to the Good view, the Excellent view, the Amazing view, get the picture.  This place was 100 Rupees/night, about $1.50, and had the best pillows I had come across in Nepal.  They weren't the standard lumpy bricks that I had sort of gotten used to, it was soft and fluffy, and I had the best night sleep in a while.

There's a game that is popular around Nepal, kind of like pool but with little chips - you use the bigger chip to knock the smaller ones of your color in to side pockets.  I tried playing with Max after we had arrived in Gorepani and it was hilariously pathetic.  The Nepalis know how to flick the chips so gently, while giving them enough force to ricochet off the opposing wall, hit the chip they want, and knock it in to the pocket.  Me, on the other hand, didn't have the fine motor skills developed enough to avoid either missing the big chip completely, or flicking it so hard that I sent it flying a couple times.  Anyways, I thought this boy and his grandfather were so cute together, they both had such intense looks while playing but had the greatest smiles when I stopped to talk to them.

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